When to plant dahlias in 8b

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  • When to plant dahlias in seattle
  • Can you plant dahlias in the fall

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  • How late can you plant dahlia tubers
  • When to plant dahlias oregon
  • Dahlia tubers
  • How late can you plant dahlia tubers.

    Episode 75: Growing Dahlias with Nick Gitts

    hilary dahl

    In this episode Nick Gitts, owner of Swan Island Dahilas, answers all of my burning dahlia care questions. Swan Island Dahlias is a 40 acre dahlia farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and they grow over 360 varieties of dahlias and Nick has been running the farm since 1975. 


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    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Choosing the best location to plant your dahlias

    • How and when to plant dahlia tubers

    • Fertilizing dahlias

    • How and when to pinch dahlia sprouts

    • Tuber digging, dividing and storage

    Important Take-aways:

    • Dahlias should be planted when the ground temperature is approx.

      60 degrees.

    • Plant dahlias in a location that receives full sun and has well draining soil.

    • If you have a heavier soil, add in peat moss or bagged steer manure to lighten and loosen the soil texture f

        when to plant dahlias in the pacific northwest
        dahlia seattle