Rainier strawberry plants

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    Growing the Best Backyard Berries in the PNW

    Raspberry Care & Maintenance

    Fertilizing: Raspberries do not require heavy fertilization. G&B Organic All Purpose Fertilizer or G&B Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer should be applied in Spring once growth has begun, and again about 6–8 weeks later.

    An application of kelp meal in the fall can assist with winter hardiness and disease resistance.

    Pruning: Cane berries have a rambling habit and will spread if left unchecked. In most cases, the shoots of suckers that start close to the original plant are allowed to grow, allowing for turnover of older canes to keep production levels high.

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    Unwanted suckers arising too far from the mother plant can be removed as they appear and disposed of or given to friends.

    After harvest, the two-year-old fruiting wood begins to die and can be removed. The remaining one-year-old canes for the following Summer’s crop can be cut back to head height or tied up and bent over to form an arch.

    When Cane Berries are dormant, thin out the weaker or damaged canes, leaving yourself 4–6 stron

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