The ruler in spanish duolingo
- how to spell ruler in spanish
- how to say ruler in spanish
- how to write ruler in spanish
- how to spell ruler in english
Inch ruler in spanish
Measuring ruler in spanish...
Spanish translation of 'ruler'
Examples of 'ruler' in a sentence
Example sentences from the Collins Corpus
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Yet I strove to make him not only content with his lot, but a better ruler than he otherwise would have been.
Likes his t's crossed with a ruler, that coroner,' said Headingley finally.
Patrick, Prince of Krondor and ruler of the Western Realm of the Kingdom of the Isles, said, "Very well.
These include the use of compasses and rulers and the manner of projecting a source of light from one corner of the frame in order to produce consistent shadows.
General relativity teaches me to think about space-time as a phenomenon that is described by the ruler we use to measure distances, an equation we call the metric.
Example sentences from Collins dictionaries
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- how to say measuring ruler in spanish
- how to say school ruler in spanish