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5 Ways To Live Life In Color
Today I wanted to share 5 anchors I have used to help me live my life in color. This past year, Kristina Schulman (yes, from the Bachelor #noshame) shared her story about living life in color.
And, ever since she mentioned it, it has stuck with me and held its own meaning in my life.
What does living life in color mean?
Don’t push yourself to be something or someone that you’re not.
Don’t hangout with people that make you feel like you have to always dress a certain way or act a certain part. Don’t just conform to what’s easiest and most acceptable.
In living color watch
When you’re your honest self, you become free of inhibitions (not 100%, but pretty close).
Be honest and loving with yourself. Know that you have every right to say how you feel and be who you are.
Fear often wants to hold us back from speaking our truth but in those moments, it is important to fight through it and stick with our gut. Speaking your truth could mean anything from being honest with yourself towards others about how you feel, following your instinct or your
- living life in color song
- living life in color everything around me