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Sorry in german informal...
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How to Say “I am Sorry” in German: A Guide
In any language, apologizing is an essential skill that helps express remorse and repair damaged relationships. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to say “I am sorry” in German, this guide will walk you through formal and informal ways to apologize.
While regional variations exist, we will focus on standard German. So, let’s dive in!
Formal Apologies
When you need to apologize in a formal setting, such as professional environments or addressing someone unfamiliar to you, it’s important to use polite and respectful language.
Here are several phrases you can use:
- Es tut mir leid. – Literally meaning “It does me sorrow,” this is the most common way to say “I am sorry” in formal contexts.
- Verzeihen Sie bitte. – This translates to “Please forgive me” and is a more formal way to apologize.
- Entschuldigen Sie bitte. – Meaning “Please excuse me,” this phrase is suitable for offering apologies in formal situations.
- how to say sorry in german
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