E pan card digital signature not verified
- how to check pan in dsc
- how to verify pan using dsc
- how to verify pan digital signature
- how to check pan number in digital signature
How to verify signature in pan card on mobile.
How to verify signature in pan card on mobile without
1. What is DSC and why is it required?
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is the electronic format of a physical or paper certificate. DSC serves as proof of identity of an individual or Organization for a certain purpose online / on computer.
DSC authenticates and electronic document like how a handwritten signature authenticates a printed / handwritten document. DSC can be used to e-Verify returns filed by a taxpayer and is also mandatory in some cases.
Why is DSC required?
e-Filing users who have opted for this facility require DSC to sign Income Tax Returns / Statutory Forms or to verify response against notices issued by Income Tax Department and refund reissue request.
To sign or verify any document the user should have first registered their DSC with e-Filing system.
3. What is an emsigner?
emsigner is a utility that is required for DSC registration. It has different versions suitable to different websites.
For registering the DSC, a hyperlink to download and install the emsigner utility is available on the e-Filing portal.
4. When do I need to re-register