Mla in-text citation website

    how to source in mla format
    how to source in mla format example
    how to cite in mla format website
    how to cite in mla format example
  • How to source in mla format
  • Mla works cited page.

    Mla in-text citation

  • Mla in-text citation
  • Mla citation website
  • Mla works cited page
  • Mla citation generator
  • Citation machine
  • MLA Style Guide 9th Edition

    Formatting Tables

    • Align the table to the same 1" margins as the rest of your paper
    • Include a label directly above the table; include the source and any notes directly below the table  
    • Label the table as Table, with an accession number, starting at 1 and include a caption describing the table
    • The source includes the table number as it was labeled in the source, and a full reference for that source
    • Insert the table immediately following the paragraph where it is referred to in text


              The following is an example of how to format a table included in the body of your paper.

    MLA style guidelines state that you should align the table to the same 1" margins as the rest of your paper, include a label directly above the table, and include the source and any notes directly below the table. It is also good practice to insert the table immediately following the paragraph where is has been referred top in text (see table 1).

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