How to build brilliant goddess in mafa
Mafa td queen guide.
Mafa TD QueƩn 5.2i HARD
I started work on suporting this most played Tower Defense map. Original author no more exits, so here you can dl last version.
Mafa td queen cheats
- removed every cheat from map
- lowered map size
- fixed a lot of tooltips
- added new Queens, Quest(F9), Towers
- fixed triggers, abilities, items
- fixed Towers, litle balance
More gold incoming:
Queen of Greed - +100 Gold each hit
Fujiko/Pirate tower level 4 - +25 Gold each hit
Noob Furion/Pirate tower level 3 - +20 Gold each hit
HSBC/Pirate tower level 2 - +15 Gold each hit
Mini HSBC/Pirate tower level 1 - +10 Gold each hit
Pls report bugs and ideas, thx.
If you will continue in work on this map, or you need unprotected version contact me throught email.
If you can beat map on UltraHard send me replay, you will be added in Hall of Glory (only first 3 replayes). Map isnt so hard, just need strategy and few friends.
Map editor: Kortes ([email protected])
Credits to map author: WarQueen and previus maps editor's
Have fun by playing this map, wish you:
Me (Kortes)