Slam bidding in no trumps

    how to bid slam in bridge
    how many points to bid slam in bridge
    what is a slam in bridge
    what to bid in bridge
  • How to bid slam in bridge
  • Slam bidding part 1!


    Slam bidding is a vast subject, so this topic merely gives a cursory introduction to the subject suitable for beginners.

    There are two basic elements to bidding and subsequently making a good slam.

    1. Sufficient Strength.

      The two hands must combine to be able to produce twelve (small slam) or thirteen (grand slam) tricks.

      Slam bidding with a void

    2. Slam bidding with a void
    3. Slam bidding conventions
    4. Slam bidding part 1
    5. Slam bidding practice hands
    6. Bridge slam points
    7. This roughly equates to 33+ and 36+ points for the two types of slam including distribution points in a suit contract. These ranges are merely guidelines and are subject to…..

    1. Controls. It’s no good having twelve tricks available if the defence cash the first two tricks.

      In simple terms this means that a small slam requires a minimum of three aces (assuming no voids), and a grand slam requires all four aces.

    Of the two elements, strength is by far the most important. Declarer may survive after a luck opening lead if the ‘control’ position is shaky, but if the strength is missing the slam will invariably fail.

    Strength can be assessed in the general bidding approach (as shown in the examples), and for beginners, the controls can b