Allude meaning in hindi

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    how to use allude in a simple sentence
    how to use the word allude in a sentence
    how do you use allude in a sentence
  • How to use allude in a sentence
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    Allude examples

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  • Allude meaning
  • Allude to synonym
  • Refer sentence in english
  • Allude meaning and sentence
  • allude

    Usage of Allude

    Allude is a word with playful roots—literally. It comes from the Latin alludere, which means "to play with," and shares the root of Latin ludere ("to play") with other English words, such as ludicrous and delude.

    One of the former meanings of allude was "to engage in wordplay": this sense is now long obsolete.

    Although some people think that allude must always specifically entail an indirect reference, this is not the case; people have been using allude in the sense of "to refer to directly" for well over a century (as in "The Man Without a Country," the short story by Edward Everett Hale from 1863: "He never alluded so directly to his story again...").

    Allude vs elude

    So while allude may more commonly be used in the sense of expressing something indirectly, it is neither uncommon nor improper to use it to mean something more direct.

    Allude need not always be followed by the preposition to, although that is the most common construction in modern usage.

      how can i use allude in a sentence
      how do i use allude in a sentence