How many billionaires in new york

    total number of billionaires in usa
    total number of billionaires in us
    total no of billionaires in us
    total number of millionaires in us
  • Total number of billionaires in usa
  • Which country has the most billionaires

  • Which country has the most billionaires
  • How many billionaires in florida
  • How many billionaires in the u.s. 2024
  • How many billionaires in the world
  • Countries with most billionaires 2024
  • How many billionaires in the u.s. 2024...

    List of countries by number of billionaires

    Rank Country/Territory Number of
    billionaires Major cities of residents 1  China814Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Foshan, Suzhou2  United States800New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas3  India271Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore4  United Kingdom146London, Liverpool5  Germany140Munich, Hamburg6   Switzerland106Geneva, Zurich7  Russia76Moscow8  Italy69Milan9  France68Paris10  Brazil64São Paulo11  Canada5312  Thailand49Bangkok13  Indonesia47Jakarta14  Australia45Sydney15  Japan44Tokyo16  Singapore42Singapore17  South Korea37Seoul18  Israel2919  Spain2720  Sweden25Stockholm21  Turkey25Istanbul22  United Arab Emirates24Dubai23  Mexico2224  Malaysia19

      total number of billionaires in united states
      total no of millionaires in us