With you in french

    with you in french
    with you in french formal
    with you in french language
    to you in french crossword
  • With you in french
  • I'm in love with you in french.

    How to Say “With You” in French: Formal and Informal Ways

    3. Additional Tips and Examples

    Here are some additional tips to help you master the usage of “with you” in French:

    Regional Variations of “With You” in French:

    The French language, like any other, contains regional variations.

    With you'' in italian

  • Avec toi
  • I'm in love with you in french
  • I think i'm falling in love with you in french
  • I am madly in love with you'' in french
  • While “avec vous” and “avec toi” are generally understood and used across France, certain regions may have their unique expressions. Here are a couple of examples:

    • En ta présence: Used primarily in Eastern France, this expression translates to “in your presence” and serves as a regional variation of “with you.”
    • Avec vi: This is a regional expression that can be found in parts of Southern France, such as Provence.

      It is a contraction of “avec toi” and is mainly used in informal contexts.

    Idiomatic Phrases:

    The French language is rich in idiomatic phrases related to being “with someone.” Here are a few to add flavor to your conversation:

    • Être ensemble: This phrase means “t

        for you in french pronunciation
        with u in french