Javascript calculator codepen
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- how to make calculator in javascript
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Write a html and javascript program to create a simple calculator!
JavaScript Calculator
performs mathematical operations like – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, etc.
Javascript-calculator github
HTML, CSS, and HTML creates basic structure of the calculator. Also, Math.js evaluates the calculations.
- HTML Table creates a grid structure and <input type=”button”> adds the buttons on the grid.
- <input type=”text”> adds an input text field to display the expression.
- When the user clicks on the button, the button value will display on the input field.
- When the equal button ( = ) is clicked, solve() function is called and evaluates the expression, and displays the result on the input text field.
- The button “c” is used to clear the text input field.
When the button is clicked, the clr() function is called, and it resets the value to empty.
- The solve() function uses Math.js evaluate() function to evaluate the mathematical expression.
Complete Code
JS Calculator
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